Post #100
The refusal to subscribe to the "golden age" myth, if you think about it, is the fundamental difference between a progressive and a conservative. Conservative thought always posits a bygone halcyon era: Some manage to find it in Reagan's eighties, some would rather return to the pre-boomer values of the fifties. A progressive, on the other hand, carries no such burden. The whole outlook is predicated on the idea that the best days are, in fact, ahead.
—"Look on the Bright Side" | Michael Idov | NYMAG 11.15.10
A friend of mine once said that she refused to believe that life "peaks" in your 20s. She'd be damned if life did because then you'd always be reminiscing back on a few unruly dazed years. Sure, the excerpt is about our current socio-political climate, but I read it like pessimism v. optimism approaches on life. How coincidental that this is what I'm choosing to post as my 100th post(!) I've had other blogs, but this one is the only one that has stayed with me.
Looking back, I have to say that it's been a pleasure creating 100 posts documenting four years. More of the "good" than the "bad". More of the "happy" than the "sad". More of the "happy" times than the "bored" times. I look forward to the next 100 posts, knowing the best days are ahead.