Ain't gonna lie—getting flowers is pretty kickass. Too bad they're a hot mess now from my neglect...

Nice rack. Happiest birthday love!! ♥

The studio. I. CAN'T. WAIT. And yes, those are motherfucking solar panels(!!)

So that meat lump or skin tag that was on your neck? Yeah, it was a tick... You learn a lot about the great outdoors when you're in upstate New York.
By the way. The weather? I love it. You people complaining about this "Uhhh, I don't know...this global warming shit." You shut up. Enjoy the fact that we didn't get shitty snow (which mean delays, nasty gray slush, black ice, and even more gross dog poop delight everywhere) and you never even had to break out your "oh shit, it's snowing H.A.M." down coat that makes you look like you're a walking sleeping bag. You actually want a long ass winter that bleeds into mid-April? No? Then shut your face. Chances are that this dreadful global warming will not even affect you in a devastating fashion in your actual lifetime (or maybe it will, and if it does, it will be a small world population), and if you wanted put in your affective two cents, then you would take up some sort of action against the big (energy) corporations in the world because the global economy is based on your and other people's needs and wants. It's supply and demand. I hope this summer is ridiculously hot so you can complain more about fucking global warming and blast your precious air conditioners while living in a first-world/most industrialized nation. Again, shut your face.