Saturday, August 9, 2008

July Flew By

July was crazy. Full of outdoor concerts and movies, hanging out at the park, Beer Island adventures at Coney Island, chilling with new people, and beers everywhere. Cheers July. Cheers.

My sweet Emily with scabs on her knees.

Hold Steady free concert at McCarren Pool.

Eva's baby shower at Sweet & Vicious. (They have lethal frozen Margaritas there.)

Murakami at Brooklyn Museum.

Pete Wentz and Ashley Simpson at Beer Island.

Mike's band, the Nuclears, at the Charleston.

Alex's Berfday Bash at the Gutter.

Hey there co-workers slash friends.

Yes Liz, your pits stink, but I'll lick them anyway.

WATERFALLS! Pier 17 South Street Seaport with Jeans and Em. Oh there's nothing like pizzeria baked pasta after pitcher beers.

I love and will always love you RATATAT.

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