Saturday, August 1, 2009

AC/DC @ Giants Stadium

My friend Mike D. had an extra ticket and I was like "Hey, why not?" It was more amazing than we ever expected (well, I went in blind.) There was animation, fire blowing machines, pyrotechnics, glitter confetti cannons, inflatables, and FIREWORKS (way up in the list of favorite things). All rock performers should aspire to be as awesome as them in concert. Angus Young did a guitar solo that lasted like 30 minutes—in which throughout it, I had to hold my face together with my hands because it was melting in disbelief of how incredibly awesome it was.

Yay, it stopped raining!

"1! 2! FUCK YOU!" Anvil.

The show just went on and on. Amazing.

The concert and the crowd were a whole new experience for me. There were so many "dudes". Like white dudes—drunk New Jerseyesque white dudes with conservative haircuts that just grunt and yell lyrics who would all belong at a NASCAR event if they were out in the Midwest made up 90% of the attendees. I haven't seen so many dudes crowded in one place in my life. I wished I had took pictures of just people. :(

Then on the NJtransit back, there was a dude with a RATATAT t-shirt on. It made me smile.

1 comment:

The Nuclears said...

that show was good times man. that was probably the biggest most epic stage show ive ever seen. i was getting home at like 2:30 in the morning, and on my way home there was another party going on with my friends band playing, so i stuck around and watched that too, fuck what a nite