Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Museum of the Moving Image

Dan and I went to the Museum of the Moving Image on Sunday and it was quite a museum going experience! (The museum underwent some major renovations and just reopened this month. Our first visit!) I didn't have any expectations of what MOMI would be like, but the museum took me by surprise. Firstly, the design (floor plan) was well thought out and easily navigated so that you could view and experience each section. We started at the top with contemporary uses of "the moving image", followed by history of image recording technology, then moving making magic and merchandising, followed by "catered towards children floor" with old school arcade games and King Tut theater, then there was the open seating projection screening mezzanine, and the cafe/lobby/auditorium/shop/ticketing ground floor.

Overall, the museum was enjoyable and "complete" to me, as the focus is really about the advancement of technology. There was an extensive amount of interactive activities you could participate in, which screamed MONEY and HANDS-ON EDUCATION as I'm sure it took quite a bit of money to procure and rig the attractive equipment for ongoing public use. (Apple is on the list of sponsors.) Actually, some things had this non-threatening, inexpensive/amateur look to it. Hmmm, my descriptions are off, but I'm sure you'll "get it" when you visit, which I highly recommend.

Make a dance video and then purchase the flip book at the gift shop!

Special effects of "aging" a character. Funny how they explain how the visual would be created "digitally" today after each FX description.

The "first" documentary ever filmed—Nanook Of The North. View it on Youtube

Floor plan of killer Jame Gumb's house in Silence of the Lambs.

Collection of the cosmetics used on the ladies of Sex & the City (the movies).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just linked this article on my Facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.
Picture Flipbook