Random LIKES of 2011...and 2012
I wanted to do a Best of 2011, but I figure it's all up here anyway... Travel for the most part. "Deep" mind-blowing realizations about self and the world—I'll leave those to my personal conversations with others. "What I Ate in Asia" will come up one of these days. I just want to share a few things:
Fish Tank (2009)
It's streaming on Netflix. The lead actress was just this girl on a train platform that the director hired to play the part. Michael Fassbender is in it. So sleazy.
Dogtooth (2009)
(Also streaming on Netflix.) This movie is so weird. When you figure out what's happening, it's really fucked up. It turned out that I was sitting next to the main actress at one of my friend's film screenings at his apartment. I think it would've creeped me out if I saw this movie prior to sitting next to her for hours.
Feist | Metals
"Comfort Me"
So You Think You Can Dance Season 8
Sasha and Ricky Top 6 "Whacking" to Beyonce's "Schoolin' Life"
Active Child "Playing House"
This was on Ray's music blog. I thought the video was a joke and I can't not laugh every time I watch this. I think, "Is this for real-zies?"
I know very little about this artist, but was excited by the voracious nature of his art making due to the meaningless of life...and vandalism. Oh, and this headline, "Graffiti artist David Choe to earn up to $200 million from Facebook stock.
The New Yorker | David Eagleman and Mysteries of the Brain
I heard him on a radio podcast and thought him to be the bee's knees. And then I read this. ♥
Savage Love Episode 276
O M G. This came to my UTTER surprise— I think I squealed (mentally) in overwhelming delight when I heard both their voices together. Previously, Dan Savage was on WNYC's the Brian Lehrer Show for his "It Gets Better" campaign, and I thought that was ecstasy in my ears, but nothing beats hearing IRA GLASS SAY DIRTY WORDS ON THE QUASI RADIO...WITH DAN SAVAGE!!!
Lastly for now, THIS—

W T F. This is amazing. I couldn't stop laughing nor think about strangled thumbs. :(
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