Freedom Week ONE
Holy shit not working is the B E S T. Despite the rain for most of this past week, not working for the first time in 4+ plus years is exciting as well as nerve-wracking (that is, crazy under eye twitch action). It was brought to my attention that NOT expending my usual amount of energy that I usually commit at work leaves me all antsy when I'm at home studying or making art stuffs in a sedentary fashion. Good thing that there's enough stuff to do in New York and friends to see that I can use up a lot of the pent up energy. I feel as if I experienced more than I usually do in a month leading my drone work life.
Sesame pancake sandwich with veggies and egg @ Vanessa's Dumplings. Y E S. It's the best $2.50 sandwich on the run. Eldridge Street baby, not the Bedford one.
GOOGA MOOGA @ Prospect Park. Charles Bradley!! I wasn't planning on going, but we scored some "WORKING" passes. Delicious food, beer, and people watching was had.
I love discovering a bunch of cute houses.
Adam gets teeth extraction surgery on Monday. We go to look at junk before.
Taking seminars and classes so that I can have future employment. Proof of atrocious handwriting.
Happiest birthday Malik! Rooftop party in Bushwick! The previous night, I ended up on an artist boat. It was mind trip!
I biked 22+miles yesterday to Coney Island and back. It was a great ride and I never felt fatigue at any point. The water was so crisp and the beach was surprisingly very clean.
I can't be all the down in Brooklyn without going to L&B Spumoni Gardens and killing a square (or more) of this.
And THIS. Why? Why would you NOT get a Spumoni? They shouldn't even serve any other "flavor".
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