Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ray Friday messaged me about teacher assisting her 10-week continuing glassblowing class—EEE! I'm really excited and honored, of course. Let's just hope she doesn't change her mind. Haha. :)

I'm thinking of renting time to pump out pumpkins, ornaments, and apples—you know, stuff I make everyday, but production style. I'm just hoping to find enough venues and buyers for all this stuff. If I ever do, I'll post up some pictures of the magic.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cold and Boredom

I just spent the past two days in Hornell with the goal of taking photos of my undergraduate glass work. Alex and I were so preoccupied with feeding the moth caterpillars for endless hours that I only spent a few hours photographing—then I blew the fuse of the far side of the warehouse. Oh jeez. At least I managed to set up two of my large pieces. (Very profess images will soon be up.)

Then I went to work this morning and after the day was over, I realized that summer was really gone and that the cold weather was settling in. I hate the cold. I can't stand it. I'd rather it be blazing hot than windy, wet, and fucking cold. I'm so glad I work in a hot shop. Rant over. I hate the cold.

On another note, living out here is so incredibly boring. There's really nothing to do, unless you want to go bar hopping on Market Street and watch silly people in their 30's+ mingle and try to dance. Gross. I wish my friends were still around or that I had new friends. Boo.

In tired. I can't wait to photograph the rest of my stuff. Good night. Here are some snapshots.

Visited Alfred, and who did I meet up with? My dear Yumi. Oh friends for life.

Picking driveway tomatoes for delicious spaghetti sauce.

Parents visited Corning...and Me.

Caterpillars need food!!

Collecting Sumac in the deep jungle forests of Hornell, New York.

Alex + Me = Kick ass team

Celebrating the day's victory with raw wheat dough.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Summer...It's "Officially" Over

Yes, Labor Day marks the "end" of Summer. Thinking back on how I spent Summer 2007, I don't think that I spent more than two days outdoors. No beach time. No lake time. No lazy public park time. Wow, the whole season just flew by while busting ass at the Studio Dub-I-Dub. At least I managed to save up a good amount of money for the Fall/Winter season(s) of job/work scarcity.

I start working "part time" tomorrow. We also start our glass pumpkins and apples. I think I can manage the pumpkins after making a grand total of 2, but I'm still unsure of the solid apples, which I've only made 1 of so far. So I don't know how the day will go, but fortunately, today was the LAST day of the late shift! WOOHOO!!

I will post up pictures of the GOOD times I've had this summer soon.

So Goodbye Summer!

Hello Fall!