Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maker Faire NYC 2010

MAKER FAIRE 2010!! Nerds, hobbyists, and inventors UNITE! We get there and this lady offers us tickets for $15 a pop. TAKEN. I really have no idea what's at the fair, but the website said:

What can I expect?
To have the time of your life! You'll be surprised and intrigued with every corner that you turn.


FISHBIKEZ!! Never would I have imagined that I would one day ride a FishBike! Remember when I posted about them in my Whoa, June! post?

As you can see, I'm struggling and there's only one side of the fish. Why? Because I'm the idiot who fell over and broke the fish door! :( They were cool about it and were really happy that I would try again.

So cute!

Coolest thing ever! We rocked this hamster-wheel-bike-travaganza.

Jenine makes beads!

Free-form thread illustrations!

Pupusas and tamales from Red Hook's Soler.

Alginate molds!

We trade creepy gross thumbs.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cold Spring

Orit and I went mountain climbing hiking last Sunday in Cold Spring, New York. It's a little over an hour north of Grand Central on the Metro North.

20 minutes into hiking.

Stuff White People Like #9: Making you feel bad about not going outside

Tea break!

At the "top".

Surrounded by nature!

Cup Noodle/Beer/Marshmallow Break!

Pretty random cool stuffs in town.

...Like antiques! What a deal!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Day in Queens

Day 1 of the Labor Day Weekend! Dad and I go to the USTA National Tennis Center for the U.S. Open in Flushing Meadow, Queens, only to find out that you actually need Ground Tickets to walk around the place. Oops. Thankfully it was such a nice breezy day for wandering around.

Hello Queens.

Would you like to ride my balls plane?

Kids playing soccer.

Yummm soccer field food.

Nice schlong.

Strugglng to sit on a tree seat.

Skater boys.

"You can't see China from here." — Dad

The Panorama at Queens Museum of Art! This is a must-see in person.

It's Brooklyn, bitch.

Downtown currently in construction.

Marbling art!!

My creation.

What a nice day!!