Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane SANDY

For Halloween, I was newscaster for the Hurricane. "Sir, are you ready for the bi-coastal pounding?" As I probed their face with my microphone.

With brave friends in Williamsburg watching the East River surge.

We got this!

Flooding 2 blocks over in Zone A.

More from Zone A, not as deep though.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Summer to Fall

LIFE IN COLOR! DJ Paint Party on Governor's Island.

Then we biked to Chinatown for some greasy eats.

To Kansas for this happiness.

Taking our bikes to the beach.

Let there be storm clouds.

Let there be the Atlantic Antic Street Festival food overload!!

Fall = Apple picking!!

Oh hello little lamb. Follow me home for lunch.

Greenpoint is beautiful.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Duchess County Fair

Some of you know of my ultra love for fried foods (aka FRIED), and petting (feverish and heavy) of furry animals, so what is better THAN AN AMERICAN COUNTRY FAIR?!

A M E R I C A — F U C K Y E A H.



CHECK IT: Camera Head Photo-Booth

Rachel, small business owner, awesome entrepreneur, professional photographer.

Sandy and Morgan, blazing bad guy wrangling cowboys.

Props! Super cute handmade flag streamers by Hai Ping!

Matching domestic animals!

Graphic caged bird! FANCY!

Confused shaved sheep in leotard!

Petting a body-less cow!

Country life!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Work is going. Life is good. My artwork has reached Australia, Europe, and South America, as well as across America. Hard work at the gym has paid off. I am the same size as I was in high school. Ten years ago. I am slowly shrinking.

The Man.

Favorites: food, friends, food, art, food.

Water relief.

Food prices are outrageous.

Mom's birthday cake is ridiculous. My stomach explodes.

One of my favorite models at the American Museum of Natural History.

Happiest Jesus Year sweet boy. What grown man gets dozens of balloons on his birthday?

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Fire Island with the cousin and sister.

Apparently, we match.

Top sales agent at work.


Happiest birthday Dad. :)

Happiest 3-0 sis!!

I learned how to roast beets. We match!

Happiest birthday Ray. We love you. We miss you.

We send our blazing love to you.

I want.

My friends at the state park.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


“All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume.”

― Noam Chomsky

I am grateful for my new career. I cannot imagine working for a company or an ideal that propagates consumerism, making people feel that their lives would be richer if they were to purchase more unnecessary things or have a life that is distinctly of a stereotypical "culture". I believe that it is a shame for such talented and creative individuals to waste their efforts on making large global corporations millions upon millions of dollars, if not billions, to create a semblance of what life is "really worth" in material goods.

This false security causes us to be blind to the pain and suffering of others because why bother truly caring when we do small minimal acts of "charity" and "good will" when we just do all of it to make our selves feel as if we are "giving back"? This is delusional. Why in the first place create systems of eventual suppression only to pretend that the way we live our lives makes up for such inequality?

Dishonesty and self-denial, cowardice, is at play. It doesn't have to be that way if we only embody the courage that already resides in us to take a stand against such blatant oppression and conduct our lives in honesty!--to not feed THE MACHINE.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Life on/in the Interwebs

Last night, it came to my attention that I have been "ONLINE" for more than half my life—that is, I've had an internet presence since 1997 (good ol' AOL days, INSTANT MESSAGING, anyone?). It's pretty mind-blowing to know that I've been a part of this realm longer than I have not. Besides my outstanding okay-mediocre grades and such, it's funny how I got into ART SCHOOL with print outs of my puerile website/blog layouts. (All done by HTML, so old school, so blurry.) Here are some dazzling (mediocre at best) layout blurbs.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Know You're Not That Cool

Which is the plain truth, but the good thing is that I live in Brooklyn, I willingly sleep on the couch when you are in town, I'll take you to some FAT eats, AND fulfill your "things to do in NYC while I'm here for the weekend" list (75%+), which although not an expert, I'm pretty good with the subway and Google Maps on iPhone. Welcome to your vacation, Conrad.


Jimmy's Diner.


Rooftop after a long day of shopping.

For $10, you not only get to listen to live music the whole night, but you get 2 drinks. After 2 double whiskey's, all I can remember is: COOL DANISH GIRL! PIZZA! WALK! TURN THIS WAY! WHAT?


"Owned by Italians who hire Polish." You learn something new everyday.

We hit the beach, "snack" on fish tacos, and walk by a lot of houses with bulldozers in front. Looks like someone decided to work from home today.

Yup, that's the most interesting ad for a new condo on the subway!