Monday, April 18, 2011

SOFA NY 2011

Thank you Twitter for reminding me of this, which made me remind my boss/coworker, which caused him to get tickets for us immediately. Annual SOFA trip, DONE. And SOFA stands for "Sculpture Objects & Functional Art". I have to constantly remind myself that everyone isn't an enthusiast and that I shouldn't get slightly irked when asked if it's a "like a couch show or something like that."

This year's show was definitely more finely curated by the participating galleries. There wasn't much "junky" stuff—you know, stuff that's poorly made out of everyday lowbrow materials, but passes off as real "fine art" just because it has gallery representation and has a slight "edge" to it. There's other shows and galleries for that stuff, not at SOFA. However, there was the tendency of the galleries to show recent collections by the same artists they presented last year. Noticing that made the show a little less exciting when expecting to see mind-blowing "new" work.

Some stuff I took notice of:

Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Steffen Dam, you are ridiculous. Please go to Heller Gallery if you want to see his work in full well lit glory.

You have to be a little crazy to make this kind of work.

"Ewww! I hate dandruff!"

I want to caress you all night long.

Creepy baby fish bedazzle.

Really? Crimped red hair under that turban? Really, guy?

And this be going on and on and on...

Ummm, the eyes are a little off. I mean, maybe they're halfies(?)

Grrrlz of my dreamz.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

San Francisco Day 3


A month later, I'm completing the SF posts.

So Day 3. Last day. Bike Day, baby.

Goodbye bunk mate, the Viking transplant in Sweden, aka the best oatmeal maker that hostel kitchen has ever experienced.

In my other life.

The one and only Loyal Army store in the world.

Take pictures while biking all right.

I rode all the way down not knowing I had to hang right to the Golden Gate Bridge. I had to push the bike for about 10 full minutes back up the hill. It was worth it, only I wish I was on MY bike.

Why hello.

Holy Sausalito! There's a 10 minute+ downhill after the bridge to get here. I can't believe people back to the bridge from here. Pretty hard core. Good day, sunshine.

Took the ferry back. It was St. Patrick's Day. I didn't wear green.

@ South End Grill N Bar. But wait, there's more. Seriously, I had more food. And it was good. This is what happens when you plan things in advance and get a Groupon and are "forced" to consume $40 worth of grub by yourself.

Sirron Norris Studio. Cool.

Awesome first solo mini-vacation. Highly recommended.